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A comprehensive toolset to make cannabis industry data simple to navigate

 Whatever the data you need, you'll find it fast in CannaSpyglass

14-day risk-free trial. Includes Pro features and 10 data exports.
Cancel or switch plans at any time.

CSG Operators3

Reliable cannabis industry data without hours of searching and formatting

Whatever your area of focus, you'll find an extensive data set for operators, brands, vendors, associations, and other players in the cannabis and hemp industry, including the all-important decision-makers––no hidden fields.

Fine-tune results with filters to create your perfect dataset. Then, export in a single click––Simple! Our data-as-a-service platform makes accessing comprehensive cannabis data easier than ever.

Popular data-points

  • Corporate Structure
  • Locations
  • Multiple Business Contacts
  • Active License Status
  • Estimated Revenue
  • Hemp Beverage Data
  • Pending License Status
  • Social Accounts & Links
  • Email & Phone
  • Licensed Agents
  • Utilities Providers
  • Operator Violations

Remove uncertainty and see the bigger picture with cannabis industry insights 

Whether your focus is on operators, water vendors, tax revenues, or something else, we have current and historical cannabis industry data by state, county, city, and more. Use this information to make confident business decisions that support your growth and supply-chain needs.

Popular market trends

  • Tax Revenues by State
  • Top Performing Operators
  • Most Vertically Integrated
CSG State Revenue2


A gif demonstrating the service that CannaSpyglass customers can expect when seeking on-demand cannabis industry data.

Chat with AI and get answers to your cannabis industry questions

Get up to speed with the cannabis industry with ChatCSGSM, an integrated AI assistant with access to over 100k pages of industry regulations, statutes, and laws, making it the most detailed, accurate, and reliable source of regulatory information available.

Get detailed and accurate responses, plus links to source information to easily verify ChatCSGSM answers.


What is Data-as-a-service (DaaS)? Enrich any dataset by leveraging our on-demand data-sourcing team

Do you need additional contacts, ad-hoc data refreshes, or custom financial or asset data? Then our Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) is for you. 

Our team will find missing data and upload it to your account. We can even deliver monthly/quarterly reports, making operational tasks a breeze.

Want us to clean your existing cannabis industry data? We do that too.

  • Quick Turnaround
  • Manual and Automated Capture
  • Verified Data
A photograph of two cannabis industry professionals looking at a laptop and reviewing cannabis industry data from CannaSpyglass.

Oh, wait... don't forget these features

Operator IndexTM

Our interactive calculator ranks operators based selected criteria like vertical and state presence, and license count.

  • Proprietary Ranking
  • Adjustable Index Factors
  • Nationwide Coverage

Map ItSM

Use our interactive map for a bird's eye view of opportunities, competitors, utilities, and more across the United States.

  • Licensed Operators
  • Local Vendors
  • Medical Practitioners

Industry Watch

See who's creating waves, expanding, innovating, researching, and enriching the cannabis community.

  • Industry News
  • Social 
  • Trusted Sources

Modern Platform

Cannabis data is accessible 24/7 through your mobile device, computer, or via our extensible API into other applications.  

  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Interoperable
An illustration of three people stacking large blocks, representing the collaboration you can expect from CannaSpyglass, a leading cannabis industry data company.

Let's be sociable

Join our communities and connect with other CannaSpyglass users to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and much more.


Where does the data come from?

We pull accurate data from over 150 sources and continuously add to this. These sources include public records, as well as proprietary methods, and data sourced by our internal research team.

How often is your data refreshed?

Typically monthly, but sometimes more frequent based on the availability of new data.

What geographies do you cover?

We provide enriched data across all 50 states and territories for marijuana and hemp. 

Who are the contacts in your platform?

Our priority is decision-makers for each operator, and then we expand to other key functions and operational roles.

How does CSG work with our team?

There are several ways, the first being your ability to access our data directly in our application. When necessary, our research team can also service additional data requests or work to feed your systems with data using our API.  Think of us as an extension of your existing team.

Do you do marketing or compliance work?

Our focus is on data quality. Our network of clients in the cannabis community offers such services, and we'd be more than happy to make an introduction.

Still need convincing?

See what real customers are saying about CannaSpyglass
"We got 5x the deals using your data in just six months vs. what other solutions produced in 3 years."

Dan Serard, VP Sales | Cannabis Creative Group

"We heavily rely on CannaSpyglass data to support smooth team expansion into new states."

Terry Coulter, President | onebonfire

"CannaSpyglass easily increased our marketing ROI by 200% vs. data from other providers."

Jason Pietryga, Marketing Manager | Cure8